Changing the world Of Childhood Cancer
Committed to raising awareness and funding research for less toxic more effective treatments for children battling cancer while keeping children in treatment as happy as possible

Finding a Cure for Childhood Cancer

About Us
The Mystic Force Foundation was founded in 2008 by Dr. Steven & Silvia Vanni after their then 4-year-old son, Salvatore, was diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroblastoma Cancer. Steven & Silvia realized how little funding there was for Childhood Cancer Research when they were told that Sal had a 20% chance to live 5 years. Knowing they had to do something immediately, they opened the Foundation and started a lab at the University of Miami specifically for Childhood Cancer Research. They remain committed to funding research to find less toxic, more effective treatments for children battling cancer and ultimately to find a cure for ALL Childhood cancers.
After having been a trailblazer in his own fight against Childhood Cancer, Sal's spirit remains ever-present in everything that we do. Having had Sal's cancer cells immortalized, he continues to inspire as he lives on in laboratories across the country to help find a cure for children like him.

Mystic Force Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity dedicated to raising awareness and desperately needed funds for Childhood Cancer Research, as well as advocacy in Washington, DC, granting ‘Wishes’, delivering toys, holding in-patient hospital parties, and bringing Hope, Joy, Happiness, and Smiles to the littlest Heroes battling Childhood Cancer. Keeping children as happy as possible is a key element to getting through the difficult treatments and the Foundation's Heroes Hangout offers a safe, special, and magical place for children and their families to have fun like all kids should.
The Foundation also has a limited Emergency Financial Support Fund for families deemed in 'severe financial distress' referred by the local South Florida Hospitals.

We are a 100% Volunteer organization.
All Officers and Directors donate their time and resources to help change the landscape of Childhood Cancer. Fundraising, scheduling events, advocacy in Washington, DC, overseeing the Heroes Hangout, and everything else involved in the day-to-day activities of the Foundation are overseen by Board members and loyal and dedicated individuals that are dedicated to saving children's lives and keeping these sweet Heroes as happy as possible as they go through their difficult treatments.

Salvatore Vanni Day NMB - April 22nd
For his Bravery, his Courage, his Joyful Spirit, and for his Trailblazing Journey that continues to transform the lives of children battling Childhood Cancer.
Salvatore Vanni Day April 22nd in the City of North Miami Beach

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